Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Mongoose family

Pushpa spotted a mongoose on our street, close to our apartment building. The mongoose ran towards it's den which is under a ramp.

As soon s the mongoose descended into the rainwater drain, another mongoose popped it's head.

Then as Pushpa moved forward and close to the mongoose, another mongoose appeared. Nice little family :)


Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Banana sapling to bunch

This banana sapling arrived from Sirsi along with a canna sapling on Nov 2nd. I planted them in the narrow open space at the edge of our apartment's parking space. The soil was contaminated with construction waste. I removed cement chunks, pieces of brick and pebbles. The soil was mainly charged up naturally with organic waste, which is a slow process.

Nov 3 2022

One morning, a few days after the second anniversary of planting, the plant was just growing taller but no sign of flower. Normally a banana plant bears fruit in a year's time. I had a thought of cutting it down and planting something else. It so happened Pushpa noticed a bud protruding from the stalk. I dropped the idea and continued watering like before.

Jan 22 2025

We would check the flower frequently which transformed into tender banana hands. Development was slow. By mid December 2024 the banana stalk had taken a nice shape. However I knew it was a long way to harvesting it. On March 9th morning we checked the stalk and saw a couple of yellow bananas. That's when we decided to harvest it.

Mar 9 2025


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

VidyaGanapati Devastana, KCD Circle

Vidya Ganapati Devastana the most popular Ganesha temple of Dharwad city lit up elegantly.


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

air pollution haunts parts of Dharwad

A gem of a city Dharwad is being destroyed because of over development, careless handling of trash and indifferent people. Dhawad is experiencing pollution on every aspect. The most noticeable is air pollution because it's large scale. The cause is trash burning at HDMC yard close to JSS campus. As I know trash-burning has been happening over the past 4 years. Between October and March east-west winds blow smoke right into the city which gets trapped in the valleys and vegetation affecting thousands of people and, animals too. The acrid smoke causes nose and eye burn. Chances are high that the smoke contains carcinogens and other poisonous matter which can lead to serious health issues. HDMC advises people not to burn trash, but the corporation itself is involved in large scale pollution. How ironic!

Here are a few photos of smoke raising from the yard and moving over the city. During cold weather smoke clings close to the ground and takes a lot of time to disperse.

I have emailed the HDMC Commissioner, Pollution Control Board and Mr. Arvind Bellad the current MLA. Let's see how long they need to respond to this serious issue.
