Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Have you seen a tractor tire closely?

Chances the answer is "no" are high.

Here is a pair of tractor tires. One closer is barely used and other one is well used and worn. These tires are suitable for 20HP and 40HP tractors. Tire for 50HP and 60HP tractors is slightly larger than the one seen here.

See how thick the treads are. Tractor tires are the largest and toughest among road vehicles.

The V-treads gain traction in most terrains and conditions; dry, wet, tarmac, dirt, rocks, sand...

Farm tractor drivers often use water-filled tubes instead inside the tires. Water increases the weight and improves traction. However, water filled tubes give one hell of a time when there's a puncture.

PS: Some of you may be wondering why I'm posting such colorless and lifeless pictures. Frankly speaking, I was busy traveling for the past few weeks and pampering Journeys across Karnataka when not traveling. Few days back day a friend sent an email asking why Life at Dharwad is lifeless... Well, I have no intentions of abandoning Life at Dharwad. Colors will be back soon.


  1. To me, nothing is colorless in your blog; Life is a palate of colors... so is your blog. Everything around seems to have a meaning and color of its own. Your blog is all about life and the different colors in it. Thanks for showing us the different colors of life :)

  2. Ascenso tyres are one of the best tyres for tractors

  3. Ascenso tyres are best tyres for all type vehicles.
