Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Color changing flower

This flower was brought to office by Arshiya, a colleague. It is called Hibiscus Mutabilis, also known as Confederate Rose or Cotton Rosemallow. The flower was white in the morning, turned pink during noon and red in the evening.

09 04 hours

11 43 hours

12 32 hours

13 10 hours

13 42 hours

15 13 hours

17 06 hours

17 34 hours
two and half days later
These pictures were shot with my mobile phone, a Motorola EX115 and edited in



  1. We have this flower at home.. The snaps are a story teller on its own.. Gr8!

  2. Thank you :)

    That flower was on desk until yesterday, all shriveled up. Now its lying in one of the flower pots.

  3. Ashwini,
    If I may ask wehre in Dharwad is this colour changing flower since I am documenting the rare plants and trees of dharwad.
    It will be a great help

  4. Wonderful, we have flowers(Hydrangea) they change colors based on PH value of the soil, either pink or blue. If soil changes properties due to foliage in the fall next year color will be different.
