Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Little girl and a crow

A three & half year old, sitting in a balcony with her granny, was taking her own sweet time to finish one chapati. Granny was after the little one to eat her chapati quickly... ಬೇಗ್ ಬೇಗ್ ಚಪಾತಿ ತಿನ್ನು. A crow on a near by tree started kawing; kaw kaw kaw... kaw kaw kaw. Little one told her granny "see even that crow is asking me to eat... काव काव" Granny was all smiles :)

Probably that crow was waiting for the little one to throw the chapati out of the balcony and/or the little one was looking for crow's help to finish the chapati. These little ones are smart... not as innocent as they seem to be.

This is the same little friend of Sounds within.


1 comment:

  1. :D nice, after reading first para I strongly felt its that lil one only yes yes!! my guess was right....
