Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Bulbul chicks

Second week of August 2024, a bulbul pair started visiting our utility area. It's a hint that the pair would be having children soon. The pair brought in twigs and coconut strands to make a nest. They weaved their nest over the two previous nests already present in the same space. I a week or so three eggs were laid and incubation began. The eggs hatched in less than two weeks. The pair got really busy fetching food for the always hungry chicks. The pair was very watchful and turned hostile whenever we went to the balcony for chores. On September 7th morning around 11 AM the chicks emerged from the nest and perched on our clothesline. They were ready to leave the safety of the nest and become independent. This was a rare sight- the mother and her three chicks perched together. Father was close by, looking out for threats. Once the chicks are out of the nest, there's no turning back. They could barely fly yet they are raring to move on. Few minutes after this shot two of the chicks flew out, their parents staying close by until their wings gained strength. The last chick stayed back a couple of hours more and then flew down.

Fortunately there are plenty of trees and plants behind our apartment where the chicks could take shelter and remain safe until they were fully ready. I hope all three are fine and flying around in our locality.


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