Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Red Whiskered Bulbul

A bulbul couple decided to raise it's babies in our home. In the first week of April the bulbul couple built a nest in our utility area, on the clothesline pipe. We tied a foot wide basket under it as a safety catch. Soon after the nest was ready, eggs were laid and one of the bulbuls would remain in the nest most of the day, keeping the eggs warm.  The eggs hatched in the second week, we got one look at the chicks on the 14th. The couple was busy, both taking turns to guard the babies and fetching food. We could hear the feeble chirps of the babies crying for food, they were hungry through out the day.

These pictures were shot on 20th morning..

head turned 180°
Bulbul holding food for the chicks

A few minutes after shooting these pictures I saw the chicks perched on the basket rim. They were ready to leave the nest and face the world outside. Within the next hour both chicks left the nest.. all the best to the little ones!

To see more pictures, click Red Whiskered Bulbuls.


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