Tuesday, March 5, 2024

How to check HDBRTS travel card balance online

The full form of HDBRTS is Hubballi-Dharwad Bus Rapi Transport System. HBDRTS buses are called 'Chigari' meaning deer. These buses are meant to be as swift as deer. Commuters can wait for buses at exclusive bus-stops and travel in comfort. To travel in a BRTS bus one could purchase tickets at the stops or terminals, or purchase prepaid smart cards. BRTS smart card is called as Travel card. Daily commuters can purchase monthly passes.

Having used Travel card for the past two years, I've seen the improvement in the online services aspect. Earlier Travel card users had to add currency at the terminals or stops, now the same can be done online by card holders. Also one could check card balance even though Travel card FAQ says it must be done at a swiping machine. Below are the steps to check to check the balance online.

Login to HDBRTS website.

Go to SMART CARD > TOP UP. Page displays user info and options.

To check Travel card balance, the card must be attached to BRTS user profile. If not done, click on 'Attach Card' to attach your travel card. Every card has a unique id (a 10 digit number) which is engraved on the back side.

Click on the gear icon to see more options. Select "Card Details" to view card balance.

User's card number(s) and balance(s) are displayed.

In case of low balance, user can add currency using 'Topup Cards' option.

Note: The above information has been provided as of date on personal experience for the benefit of fellow Travel card users. Website UI is subject to updates by HDBRTS website admin.

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