Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Taking a proper bath

Bathing is as essential as eating food, drinking water, sleep, etc. These essentials are supposed to be carried out like religious rituals in a peaceful manner, without any distraction. However, in this age of fast life, they have been to reduced to a mere routine. Most of us eat in a rush, talking or engrossed in phone or TV, while walking, and what not. When eating itself is a rush, you can imagine what has become of bathing... get wet, apply shampoo / soap and wash them off. Some people are a little more elaborate. I think most people are ignorant or simply neglecting these essential 'life' activities. I realized my mistakes quite late in life and trying to improve. Basically, it comes down to realizing the importance of these 'life essentials'. One needs to be focused & patient. Here are a few points to bear in mind.

Bathe first and then eat. Never take bath within 4 hours after eating, of course the time gap depends on the type & quantity of food. Heavier food & heavier meal means a longer gap.

Early morning bath daily is a good habit. Multiple baths is better provided one has time and resources.

During a hot-water bath, wet your feet first and then move upwards gradually. This way blood rushes upwards towards the head, blood supply to the brain is not disrupted.

For a cold-water bath, pour water on top of the head, wetting the entire body in the process. When cold-water is poured on any part of the body, blood rushes towards that part. So when cold water touched the head, blood flows into the head and neck.

It is said that while bathing one must run their hands over the entire body at least three times. That itself is an exercise. Massaging your scalp with fingers and rubbing your skin with a natural scrub or a smooth-surfaced soap-sized pebble is beneficial. Try to be as vigorous as possible but take care not to hurt yourself. Coming to the feet area, use a rougher surface pebble to scrape your toes, soles and sides of the feet. Or one could do the same on a granite block if your bathroom floor has one. Vigorous massage will help dislodge dead skin, and also improve blood circulation. One might even build up an appetite.

Those are some of the points to start with. One could elaborate the bathing process in a sensible manner by understanding bodily requirements. For example; soaking in coconut / castor oil for an hour and then having a hot-water bath. Or applying aloe vera or turmeric-lime juice mix before a bath.

An active bath is like Dhyana (meditation), it's bound to boost your energy and sharpen your mind. So make the best of your bath-time!

Disclaimer: this write-up is based on personal experiences and opinions, this is not to be taken as medical advise.

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