Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Sculptures at Fine Arts College, Dharwad

Dharwad being an educational center has institutions of every academic discipline one could think of... arts, commerce, science, history, teachers training, law, languages, industrial training, diploma, engineering, nursing, medical, dental, agricultural sciences, journalism, forestry, music & fine arts. Apart from schools & colleges, there are a host of museums & galleries dedicated to history, heritage, zoology, geology, science, and arts. There could be more to discover. For now, lets take a look at a few of the sculptures on display inside the Fine Arts College premises. Most sculptures seem to be made of steel & cement concrete except for one which is stone.
This is the simple building of the college. The campus has plenty of open space and greenery, the right ambiance for creative minds.

This sculpture, I assume depicts a mother & her child is placed at the center, lot of importance associated to it.

Along the edge of the open ground are a dozen or so sculptures, probably crafted by the teachers & students. The nearest artwork in this picture looks like an industrial tool. Further away are a hour-faced totem and an wise old man.

Pushpa posing with the open lock and a village lad. The lock sculpture reminds me of the Hindi cine song "Khaike Paan Banaraswala, Kuli Jaye Bund Akal Ka Taala" ...the mouth is chewing paan and the mind gets unlocked... he he hee. The other sculpture, a realistic one, depicts a handsome lad in rural attire.

Next is a dial clock.. the hands are swords, at 9 & 12 are faces which will be slashed off and drop down like the heap of faces on the ground. May be this artwork is called "Death by Time."

Moving on, we have an open clam shell. Inside are a few heads and a fish trying to emerge. Well, this is one is a bit too abstract for me... can't think of a name.

A royal elephant...

...and a bull flank the entrance of a building which seems like an auditorium. In the background is a dancing pair. It seems to depict a mother-child duo holding arms and dancing.

During the few minutes we spent here we saw these sculptures. Perhaps I must make another visit to study the other sculptures too.

To know more about places of interest, do check out the post- What to see in Dharwad?

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