Tuesday, June 21, 2022

pillow lava rock near Kelagari lake

June 14, 2022. Dharwad-Goa road at Kelagaeri village is a part of my early morning cycling route. The straight road along the lake bund is a favorite for morning walkers, joggers and cyclists. I've ridden this stretch a hundred times in the last one year. However, I hadn't noticed the pillow lava lying at the entrance to Gayatri Nagar residential layout. Somehow the lone rock surrounded by bushes came in my sight, grabbed my attention and rang a bell ...this rock is similar to the pillow lava rocks of Maradihalli. For some reason I didn't stop to take a snap.

June 17, 2022. I made a conscious effort to remind myself to take a few snaps of the rare pillow lava. So, here it is, lying by the side of a road. Wonder how many people have recognized this stone. May be a handful. Anyway, talking about the rock, the bulbous formations on the surface is the distinguishing mark of this rock. 

Pillow lava is formed when lava from submarine volcano comes in contact with seawater. This rock has been formed millions of years ago.


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