Tuesday, May 3, 2022

60 km ride between Dharwad and Hubballi

Ever since we took to cycling in March 2021, most of our rides have been on the northern and western sides of Dharwad, except for one ride to Hubli and a few rides towards IIIT which is in between Dharwad and Hubli. Mid of April I got an idea of going towards Kusugal and Byahatti. I was familiar with the roads out there but I checked the distance on Google Maps to fix the start time. The route: Dharwad to Hubli to Kusugal to Byahatti to Dharwad. It would be a 60 km ride, I decided to start around 3-30 am on April 30th.

I woke up at 3-00 AM, ready to leave by 3-35. As I stepped towards our building gate, I could feel rain drops, little wet patches were seen clearly on the ground. It was windy as well. For a moment I thought of waiting until rain ceased. No, let me proceed. Rainfall was light. Two minutes later, on the Dharwad-Hubli road, the intensity increased. I stopped under a petrol bunk shelter. It was confusing... is it raining widely... one look at the sky... no, it's just passing rain. I resumed. 3.5 kms further i.e. as I passed by SDM Dental College. Glad I left the rain behind :)

The road to Hubli was a familiar one, well lit and mostly downhill, it was a easy ride. As I exited Hubli, I stopped for a minute to have a sip of water. The road to Kusugal was flat, I maintained a good speed. I entered Kusugal, rode through the narrow streets, villagers were up, sweeping the fronts of their homes, and dogs were still on duty. A few dogs gave suspicious looks, some growled, some chased a few meters... part of riding through a village. In a couple of minutes I was out of Kusugal, heading towards Byahatti. Weather was cool, more or less flat roads, progress was consistent. As I entered Byahatti, I got a glimpse of the village's iconic clock tower. This village is a junction of four roads... Kusugal, Hebsur, Tirlapur and Dharwad. A stretch of pot-holed road is a permanent feature of Byahtti-Dharwad road. The other feature of this road is its straightness. A kilometer from Byahatti, started feeling the resistance of headwind, it blew head on. After a few kilometers I realized the road was a constant uphill stretch. I was hoping the wind ceased but there was no let up. I wanted to take a break but continued until a Neem tree was spotted. Around the 42nd kilometer I found a Neem tree on the edge of a field.

looking towards Byahatti

looking towards Dharwad
My leg muscles relaxed during the short break. I sipped water, got a rainwater washed Neem stick, stuck it into my mouth and resumed the ride. The bitter taste was a pleasant diversion from the exertion of riding into the wind. I chewed on the stick for 15 to 20 minutes. I remember throwing away the stick just outside Somapur. The uphill continued and the wind got stronger. At times it felt as if I was wrestling with Vayudeva. With some 10 or 12 km to go, I took another break. This was mainly to get a shot of this green tunnel.

I was hoping to cover the last bit non-stop but the force of wind got stronger as I came closer to Dharwad. With 5 or 6 kilometers to go, the wind was so forceful I almost came to a standstill. I stopped in front of a fabrication unit, stretched my legs and sipped water, Within couple of minutes I resumed the ride. Once inside the city effect of wind was not much. I took my usual route back home which includes passing by Line Bazar Hanuman Gudi. Back home, I hurriedly parked, locked and covered my bike. My left foot was hurting because of the tightness. The side of left foot starts hurting after 3 or 4 hours of intense pedaling. The only way to relax is remove shoes.
Sipping hot tea I went through the 3 apps- Zeopoxa, Google Fit and Zepp Life. Below are the screenshots of the ride summary from all three. I had enabled auto-pause in Zeopoxa and Zepp Life. No such option in Google Fit.

Notice the straight line in my route- that's the stretch between Shivalli and Dharwad.

Zepp Life records heart beat rate through MI smart band - a gift from my brother.

Almost a kilometer difference in the distance between the 3 apps. Need to research more on this aspect. Anyway, for the record, I go with Zeopoxa data since that has been my first tracking app.

This ride is the most difficult of all my rides. Even my 70 km Dharwad-Kittur-Dharwad ride wasn't so tiring. Wind has been a major resistance factor. Talking of wind reminds me of Madhugiri hill climb back in December 2011. Do see Madhugiri and read about my experience at Madhugiri fort.

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