Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Saturday morning solo ride

This particular ride was the first 30+ km ride of the month. I've been riding the MTB for the past month, prior to which I rode the Hybrid for a month or more. After switching from Hybrid to MTB, the first three days it felt like I was riding uphill all the while. Max speed and average speed dropped, it took a week to improve on them. To know the difference between a MTB and Hybrid bike click on the link.

This screenshot is Mar-19th ride, 37 km. Fortunately the air was clear and cool but it was windy. During the first half, wind was blowing from the left hand side and then head on. The last quarter of the ride I didn't feel wind because of urban roads. The average speed would've been 17+ if not for the wind and two short stops, one to buy milk and other to say hello to an acquaintance. Both stops were within the last 10 minutes of the ride.
This screenshot shows the overall stats since the day I installed Zeopoxa.


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