Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Dharwad-Kittur-Dharwad bicycle ride

Bicycling has become an addictive hobby from the time I started it. In the beginning we rode 10+ km which gradually stretched to 20+ and 30+. Then occasionally we did 40s and 50s. One other thing within these rides was how much we rode non-stop. Achieving 20+ km non-stop rides took us several months. I think 27 km is the max we rode non-stop. However, on December 31st, I went solo, rode 55 km without stopping. I felt that was a good way to end a calendar year.

While we created our own little records, which is motivating to keep the hobby active, we were planning a ride to Kittur. The main reason for postponing the ride was lack of proper headlights & tail lamps for two bicycles. Proper lights are required for safe riding and I wouldn't finalize the lights from the few options. For our nearby rides we had one bright rechargeable lamp which wasn't made for bicycles. The lamp provided good lighting but mounting it on to the bicycle was tricky. As a makeshift arrangement I would fix it with rubber-bands. The lamp would shift whenever there was a shock, not really convenient.

Feb 19, 2022
That evening at the dinner table, I made a silent decision to ride to Kittur. Stuffed a headlamp & tail lamp, tire inflator, puncture repair kit, biscuits into a bag. Set the alarm for 3 AM and went to bed early.

Feb 20, 2022
Woke up as soon as the alarm went off. Freshened up quicky, dressed up, filled a bottle of water, picked my bag, and told Pushpa that I might return a little late. Just before leaving I decided to take my dagger, its traveled with me so many places, let it come along. At 3-45 I was outside the gate, initiated a ride in Zeopoxa app in my phone and started the ride.

I took my usual route till Jubilee Circle and then headed straight towards Belgaum road instead of a zig-zag route. Though it was cool I was sweating mildly even before I covered 5 km. Air was cooler near Agri University, it would be cooler outside the city limits. Near the toll gate a truck driver waved at me, he wanted directions to Belur Indl Area. I gave him the required info, he said thanks, that's when I got the odor of liquor. I told him to drive carefully, he said hu anna. Nice fellow he was. I continued my riding, few minutes later, the truck passed by slowing, the driver gave a short honk and we exchanged waves ...you are going in the right direction. Traffic was usual, mix of buses, trucks and cars. The headlamp was holding well even when I ran over rumble strips. Good!

In the bicycling context, I was familiar with road up to an underpass in the service road between Kotur cross and Venktapur. Pushpa and I had been there once, it was a 50 km ride. Now I was entering the unfamiliar roads. Also, from this point we had long uphill and downhill stretches. Weather was much cooler and traffic wasn't a worry. The only thing that bothered was the gravelly stuff on the sides i.e. between the road edge and the side marker. My target was to reach Kittur by 6 AM. I decided to ride non-stop, kept riding at a consistent speed.

After Bogur cross, there are two long uphill & downhill stretches. In darkness, steepness feels reduced. However, I would see headlights up above, as though they were 100' into the air. That was an indication of a challenge ahead. There were few spots where I had to shift to 1st gear (1st x 1st). Soon I was the exit for Kittur and in the next minutes I was going down the ramp, turned right and standing in front of Rani Chennamma's statue. It was 5-45 AM.

It was a minute stop to take pictures. Then I rode to the fort gate, two more pictures and two sips of water, replaced the tail lamp with a fully charged one and road back to Rani Chennamma Circle.

The look of the arch was too good to pass without a picture, so another quick shot. 

My return journey had commenced at 6-02 AM, I was climbing the ramp back to the highway. I was happy with the timing. It was still dark and I was using the headlight. On a long downhill stretch, at a speed close to 40 kmph, while running over a later of gravelly stuff, the bike felt unstable, can't even brake, slowly steered to the inner lane and slowed it before moving back to the shoulder. I was facing unfamiliar situations and learning new techniques of controlling the bike. As before I rode consistently, I had planned to take a break at Shignalli cross. I stopped at the bus-stop, took off my bag and cap, waited for a minute and had three sips water. Then I removed the headlight and stuffed it into the bag. The sun was still behind the haze but it was light, weather was still cool. Another 19 kms to go.

As I passed Kotur cross, Sun emerged from the haze. Such a lovely sight it was.

At Karnataka High Court exit I thought of moving over to the service road but dropped it because of traffic and speed breakers. The highway is a lot safer and faster. At Pepsi factory cross, I turned off the main road because of the chaotic traffic along Dharwad Bus-stand. Riding through the inner roads is a lot peaceful. At the police quarters entrance I decided to take a quick break. Stretched my limbs and sipped water seeing the Sunday morning crowd in the ground.

I took the usual road to home with a darshan of Line Bazar Hanuman. It was 8-09 when I stopped Zeopoxa ride in front of our apartment gate. 71 km in 4 hours 4 minutes! The average speed of this ride came to 17.5 kmph which is high compared to team rides.

Pushpa and I spoke of the ride over hot tea & Parle-G. Pushpa was jealous that I'm creating new records in her absence ... he he hee.

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