Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Tangawala Babu Sheikh

This picture below was first published in March 2009 in the post titled Babu Sheikh's Tanga. As per Babu, about six or seven tangas plied on Dharwad roads. Babu ferried children from their homes to their schools and back home. His tanga would be filled with primary school kids.

Tangawala Babu Sheikh in October 2009
I was away from Dharwad between mid-2014 and mid-2021 barring a few short visits. Since 2020 and 2021 were Covid-19 years, schools were closed, I have no idea how Babu Sheikh earned his living. I saw him again, may be August 2021 near Shivaji Circle on Saundatti road during my cycling rides. Apparently he's a regular at one of the eateries.. I would see his tanga parked on the side. I decided to talk to him and get another picture. This picture was shot on December 11 2021.

Tangawala Babu Sheikh in December 2021
He seemed to recognize me when I told him about taking his picture near KCD Circle. His cart is the same but the horse is different. Now since the schools have reopened, hoping he's back to ferrying kids. Wishing him good health and good business.

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