Thursday, November 25, 2021

to honk or not to honk

This post is a part of the series to educate & promote road safety. The first post was on using headlights effectively & safely. This post is on horns - more on when and why not to honk. If you are already a safe driver and familiar with this information, please spread the info by sharing these images.

Some drivers are habitual honkers- such a person involuntarily stress themselves and others too too. Excessive horning dilutes the focus on the primary functions of driving. The habit can be shed by a practicing restrain and learn to drive calmly.

Loud horns and long honking just create noise causing disturbance. Musical horns are the worst, they are illegal and cause irritation. Simply putting it- honking causes sound pollution. 

Think before honking as soon as light turns green. Think before honking at people trying to cross a busy road. There are many situations which can do without sound.

Excessive sounds are distractions. Multiple horns at the same time can disorient people causing confusion.


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