Thursday, November 18, 2021

Night driving safety

This post if the first of series to educate & promote road safety. This post is on safe driving at nights or dark conditions. Many drivers are unaware of simple techniques which makes roads much safer. If you are already a safe driver, and familiar with this information, please help me spread the info by sharing the post link or these images.

High beams at turns will send light outside the road but low beam throws light closer, lighting up the curve or the turn.

During nights, the source of sound is difficult to judge. SO honking at night tends to cause confusion. Instead use lights to communicate. On a slightly different note- even animals/birds get confused by horns in darkness. During dawn, when its still dark, if you see birds on the road, flash light at them, they'll fly away. If you honk, birds tend to fly towards the vehicle. Remember not to honk, instead use lights to signal at nights.

Headlight blinding is a serious hazard especially on two lane roads without median. A driver blinded by high beams needs a second or more to regain bearings and accidents are caused by split second distractions.


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