Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Urban wildlife - Wagtail, Warbler and Flycatcher

June 27, 2020
These pictures were shot midday over a span of 2 hours. It was a warm humid day, sign of oncoming rain. Three birds were spotted- Black-and-white wagtail, Brown bush warbler and brown-green flycatcher. 

Black White Wagtail
This bird here was tending to its young ones hiding in the bushes. The young ones are always hungry and need to be fed continuously during the day time.

black white wagtail
The wagtail catches a centipede like insect.

black white wagtail
And flies back to a rock near the bush where the young ones are hiding. The parent goes into the bush and tucks the food deep into a young one's mouth. I could see the feeding part faintly but shooting wasn't possible because of too many branches in the way.

black white wagtail
The wagtail is out again, foraging again.

black white wagtail
The wagtail makes several trips to the bush. At times it perches on branches to get a good view of the ground below, making mental note of tiny movements of preys.

black white wagtail
Meanwhile the rain fell, a short shower enough to wet the plants, little drops clinging on to the leaves. After a hectic session of searching and feeding, the bird takes a bath in the lemon plant and perches on a mango tree to dry itself. Of the twenty odd shots of the drenched bird, this one was selected. The drying session went on for two or three minutes. 

black white wagtail
These pictures of a brown bush warbler were shot earlier I guess. It moving rapidly with its tail feathers spread out, like a little fan.

Brown bush warbler
A wild dance.. wings and tail feathers all spread out.

Brown bush warbler
With little luck I got these two shots of the showoff act. Probably it was trying to entice a female hidden in the lemon plant.

Brown bush warbler
What a sight this is! the tail spread out perfectly and the two streaks over its eyes gives it a sharp look.

Brown bush warbler
Finally, as I was packing up, this tiny beauty appeared. I guess this is a green backed brown flycatcher. The pose lasted few seconds and the tiny one was out of sight. Anyway, this little one stays close by, keeps making frequents trips, probably bringing food for its children.


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