Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Crow Pheasant ~ ರತ್ನಪಕ್ಷಿ

July 21, 2020

Pushpa and I noticed this evasive beauty together searching for breakfast in the kitchen garden. In a flash she got the camera and I took several shots over 2 or 3 minutes, advancing towards the bird slowly. During my earlier attempts to shoot, this shy bird would hide in matters of seconds. It was surprising the bird stayed in sight our for minutes, that too barely 15 feet away.

Locally this bird is called Ratnapakshi. The English name is Crow Pheasant or Greater Coucal. Its is a member of the cuckoo order of birds. By looks, this bird is a mix of Crow and Cuckoo. Unlike a crow, like a cuckoo, this is a very shy bird. Some people believe that seeing this bird brings good luck.

A prey has been spotted. The bird is ready to leap.

The bird lands on a creeper support, stepping silently towards its prey. After this shot the bird went out of sight.

The bird made my morning :)


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