Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Shri Dattatreya Devasthana, Dharwad

Despite having lived in Dharwad for 10 years, I'd never ventured into Datta Mandir. I did see it finally, one early morning during the last week of July. The temple building is ancient, probably XIX Century. The building architecture is what is seen in Mumbai Presidency. This is the main gate of the temple which opens to Subash road.

This is the shrine entrance. The deity is Dattatreya, a form of Shiva with three heads- Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara.

The temple is well maintained, its clean even though it has significant number of people visiting it.

This is a west-facing shrine, the main gate faces south.

This is the side wall of the temple.

Within the temple premises is a school teaching the ancient Indian language Samskrutha.

The building's antiquity is well maintained. No major changes as such.

Shrimadjagadguru Sankracharya Samskruta Patashaala, Dharwad
A poster of Lord Dattatreya with Nandi and four dogs.

Another poster depicting Sri Sankracharya and Sripada Vallabha.

View of the front yard and main gateway. The two circular paintings flanking the gateway caught my attention.

Symbols of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara merged into one painting on the left. The image on the right also shows the unity of the three lords along with the Sun and Moon.

Datta Jayanti is celebrated with great enthusiasm here, thousands of people visit the temple during the occasion. To know more about Dharwad, visit this page- what to see in Dharwad.


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