Thursday, March 5, 2015

Ankur School, Tumkur

This post has been created for Vinayak Umesh. Following pictures and text are all Vinayak's contribution.

Welcome to Ankur Shaalae
"I love my school Ankur, it is neat & tidy, we have a small garden, a centre stage and a small playground.  It is a school with difference, which tries to imbibe our traditional values along with curriculum. Curriculum includes academic, physical activities like Karate, Football, Volleyball and skill development mental activities such as craft making, art competitions and card makings."

"Principal of the school is Mrs. Sharmila Akka (we call all our teachers "Akka" in our school). She is kind and gentle. My school has classes starting from pre-primary to high. We celebrate many National days like, Environmental   Day, World Ocean Day, Independence Day etc.  Religious festivals like Gowri-Ganesha, Ramzan and  Christmas are also being celebrated.  We celebrate Annual day and  expo every alternative years. For the annual year  2014, we had a science expo (1-5th std), whereas higher class students   (from 6th to 10th std) enacted a drama on Children’s Rights. I along with my classmates, exhibited a model for “water treatment."

"I feel proud about my school, because beginning with 12 students and 3 teachers, within a period of 14 years now it’s a vital learning centre for almost over 300 students with  35 teachers. I feel proud about my school and my Akkas.."

Center Stage

wall painting of rural life

Event Board


  1. it was a pleasure to work on this post, Umesh :)

  2. Another one info I would like to add, on 20/2/15 i.e on Friday we had a math expo for all the classes. I and my friends made a model of geometrical shapes and a chart based on polygons.The program began at 10:30 A.M and ended at 1:00 P.M. We also explained about shapes & asked the guests questions, based on shapes. The event went very well.

  3. This article reminds everybody of their own school.We start life's journey in school and continue into college,job,marriage and old age.
