Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Deepawali Rangoli

Deepawali at office was different this year; the team made a colorful freehand floral Rangoli.

A part of the team is drawing the core, in the background another part of the team is mixing rangoli powder and colors.

Outer section being drawn around the core. Lines were drawn, erased and redrawn, over and again to get the right shapes.

Initial stages of color filling.

Coloring was done with lot of care, no such thing called 'undo' in this work.

Even a tea-strainer was used for sieving colored powder :)

Outlines around the colored sections.

Oil lamps join the Rangoli. Part of the team creating Kannada text "Deepawali Subhashayagalu"

The five-flame Deepa at the center.

Aaro Dalada Rangoli
Mean time, another team had drawn Rangoli at the entrance and also the stairway to ground floor.

That's our team!

Shivana-Butti creates it's own shadow rangoli.

Good team work!! A memorable Deepawali.

Here's the link to the video- Deepawali Rangoli.



  1. Ma happiest day in this month, enjoyed lot. Thank you sir......... Hope to see the same next year also ;-)

  2. This time my Deepavali festival is memorable in office & I enjoyed lot while making rangoli... Thank u so much sir for providing us such special event..

  3. This one is memorable Diwali for all of us... we had a wonderful experiance and enjoyed lot....with making color ful rangoli design..thank you sir for this wonderful event

  4. @ Pushpa, Arati and Ratna - you and rest of the team made the afternoon lively. It was nice to see you all work together as one.

    @ Manjua - thank you and you should visit us and spend a day or two at office.

  5. :-) ,Siddeshwar, that's really wonderful and very creative. I loved the idea of using a sieve for getting a uniform texture,your office looks very colourful and truly this is what festivals should be like.

  6. So beautiful Rangoli, realy i missed this event, hope u all people enjoyed lot.

  7. Very beautiful rangoli with good colour comibnation. Thanku all to making such a wonderful rangoli.. it's not only filling colour in rangolli it's also making office colourful.......This one is memorable Diwali for all of us.......... :-)

  8. @ Sindhoor, thank you. nothing else can can create a festive look like Rangoli.

  9. @ Prema, you should attend events at office

    @ Malatesh, you selected the colors, good choice. we are eagerly waiting for the video..

  10. It was fun making the office colorful with a Rangoli for the very first time :). And nice diyas (lamps) too and the akashbutti also.

    Also missed those colleagues who were not here that day - it would have been best if everyone was present.

  11. @ Shilpa, I too wished all were at office on Monday. In fact we did try to get Haseena join us. Anyway, that afternoon office was the liveliest since we started working.

  12. thank you Sir & all for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to draw sketch of floral rangoli,it was a great day i ever wanted in our office...:)

  13. It was the most nicest Rangoli of the Day :) Enjoyed alot by adding colors to it wid all:)It was unexpected event organised by Sir :)Thank u Sir for making dis DEEPAVALI special to al @ office :)

  14. @ Gouher, I guess you came with the design. Though it looked easy, it wasn't easy to draw.

    @ Ashwini, yes.. I wanted it to be a surprise event. I'm glad it gave happiness to all at office.

  15. Surprises brings uncountable happiness for both who gives surprise & the one who gets surprised. :)

    One quote -
    Surprises keep us living: as when the first light surprised our infant eyes —Louis MacNeice

  16. No Sir, when the email arrived;we discussed & i did draw that design roughly on paper copying from “Google” image...i felt it easy because floral drawing is my leisure time hobby....this event made me learn how to put rangoli powder..

  17. How wonderful! Truly beautiful and heartfelt artwork! Greetings from a fan in Santa Fe, New Mexico USA, Alexis

  18. Amazing artwork! These colorful rangoli never fail to amaze me. I love them all especially this coming Diwali!

    Cheers xxxx
    Rangoli designs with dots
