Sunday, November 11, 2012

Alive is Awesome

About a month ago, the Cinthol: Alive is Awesome campaign kicked off. People, mostly youngsters passionate about travel and adventure expressed their sense of fun in water. Being a part of the campaign was a matter of doing something for my brand of soap- Cinthol, the red wrapper one. To be honest, I'm loyal to my brands. If Alive is Awesome was some other brand's idea, I wouldn't be a part of it.

I'm a Cinthol user for almost three decades now.. from childhood right till present day. I did use Mysore Sandal in between, its a good soap but somehow it dd not go well with my respiratory system. I guess the scent was a bit too strong for me, especially when throat was sore. Cinthol was back in my bathroom and in my travel kit.

Cinthol hamper contained four variations- Cool, Deo, Strong and Original. However, Lime was missing.
Alive is Awesome gift hamper
I haven't tried the new Cinthol soaps yet but I'm sure they'll go well with me. Strong or Deo can be for morning bath while Original can be for the evening wash. Cool and Lime might suit warm weathers..

The most popular video in Alive is Awesome campaign-

I liked the Geyser Bath idea.

Long Live Cinthol.


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