Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday Afternoon Colors



  1. Hello Siddesh,

    Its good to see your interest in "Botanical Garden of KUD".

    My memory with this garden goes back to 1987-88, when we had a NSS camp in KUD and that time we could make few roads in the garden (earlier it was like a thick forest)...

    Founded in 1963, with an area of approx 43 acres (out of 750 acres of campus). It has approx., 200 specimens and 1400 kinds of plants. It is one of the best botanical garden after Lalbagh in Karnataka, with "western ghat and other exotic collections".
    We were told by a botany prof., that it has rarest and endangered species like "Ficus Krisnha" (which you have already seen), there are others like Lauraea nobilis (Sweet Bay or True Laurel), Rauvlofia serfintina (Indian Snakeroot or Sarpagandha), (as special conservation collections). I don't know whether or not the name plates (details of the plant) exists now. I really appreciate your efforts and interests in visiting these places..

  2. Thank you for spending time on my blog. Hearing your description of the garden, I wish I'd seen it back then. Now the place is hardly maintained and students are indifferent. The place is littered with plastic and rubbish. Pigs have made home here. I wish KUD management sits up and take action to protect the place. Anyway, looking at the nicer side, we still get to see many rare plants. Some labels can be still seen but most are faded or just not there.

    I've been visiting Botanical Garden fro almost one year now and still I get to see something every visit It's simply a wonderful place.
