Tuesday, March 2, 2010

ಹರಿಶ್ಚಂದ್ರ ಗಾಳಿ ~ Harishchandra Gaali

Few years back, I learnt something about weather from a farmer named Mallappa Karigyar from Jeergod, a small village about 25 km from Dharwad. It was about a special wind named Harishchandra. It's not exactly a wind but a gentle breeze; cool air blowing North to South from Malaprabha river side. I had an opportunity to experience the breeze some 3 or 4 times and I got the hang of it. The breeze is always refreshing and sure to bring rains within the following three days. Just like Satya Harishchandra, who always lives up to his words, this wind too brings rain for sure. It's true!

Sunday, February 2 afternoon was windy. I think it was Harishchandra Gaali. We can expect rains by Wednesday, if not in Dharwad, surely in the surrounding area. Holi was celebrated on Monday. Kama was burnt and people played with colors. According to Hindu legends, on Kama's death his wife Rati sheds tears which fall on Earth as rains. This morning thick mist enveloped Dharwad. Another sign of rain within the following three days.

I wish it rains in Dharwad and weather cools down a little bit.

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