Saturday, February 13, 2010

a Kannada saying for mobile era

Sentences above translate to;
  • sentence 1 mouse in the house, tiger on the streets
  • sentence 2 hooked to remote (TV) in the house, mobile (phone) on the streets


  1. I always thought it was "Maneyalli ili horagaDe huli". Even though you've written the proverb is actually used, it doesn't sound convincing to me. I feel bidiyalli narrows down the meaning.

    Imagine a sequence where this proverb is used for a person who is strict/demanding as a boss at work, but is scared of his wife at home - bidiyalli, I feel just spoils the meaning

  2. Probably the word 'beedi' says that the person is capable of dealing with any kind of people. Usually all kinds of characters are found on streets i.e. beedi.
