Saturday, May 31, 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

stone art

A naturally artistic stone art seen in early morning light.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Drumstick seeds

three seeds you can use for sowing


Monday, May 19, 2008

Maize & it's mask

the mask in a spiral

maize, as seen in early morning light... with and without it's mask

Neem tree gum

All parts of Neem tree have medicinal values.

* hot water bath with Neem leaves is a cure for few skin diseases
* tender stems are chewed for dental health
* Neem fruits are also beneficial for health

Saturday, May 17, 2008

yellow butter cup

this flower can withstand direct sunlight in peak summer and still stay fresh.



that's the local name of this variety of grass... farmers just do not like this in their fields

Friday, May 16, 2008

meeeoow . . . . .

the house cat, he likes to be photographed.

and this little kitty does not like to be photographed... he's made such a bad face!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bullocks and Oxen of Hangarki

Hattikatgi Suresh with 'Vaadae's bullocks'. Vaadae means little fort.

Jitti Madavali with his bullocks... carrying 'renti' on the 'nagaa'.

Shetyappa cultivating sugarcane fields with Malkaji Nagangoudar's bullocks.

Shetyappa cultivating with 'renti'... preparing fields for monsoon sowing

Gangayya Meti. 'kunti' is being taken to the fields. 'kunti' is used to loosen the top layer of top soil so that weeds dry out.

Erayya Meti with 'kilari' breed of bullocks.

...this post will be updated as and when I shoot more pictures

things that caught my eyes

7am at the fields...

a new born plant emerging out from the earth

dry flowers of a creeper... it's leaves are used as an antiseptic

tender Tamarind leaves

a kind of wild plant leaning on Neem tree

another view

dry Drumstick in 3 parts


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tractors in action

Barki Madvali cultivating fileds with HMT 2511

New Holland tractor ploughing

Neeralkatti Ningappa on a Massey Ferguson 3 cylinder